EASD – Electrolytically Assisted Surface Decontamination

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EASD technology accelerates the removal of radioactively contaminated metalwork and offers a significant saving on cost, time and waste effluent treatment. It has been developed by C-Tech Innovation in collaboration with National Nuclear Laboratory.

Our Background

Over the past 6 years C-Tech Innovation has been working in collaboration with National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL) in conjunction with Sellafield to develop technologies for the more cost effective decontamination of nuclear facilities.

As part of this work C-Tech have developed a proprietary enhanced electrochemical process for the decontamination of metalwork.

Our Technology

EASD Process

Our EASD technology involves applying an electric current of particular alternating waveform to the contaminated metal surface whilst in contact with a suitable electrolyte. The process removes the radioactivity from the surface much more rapidly than conventional techniques.

The process can be used to treat metal surfaces in a number of configurations commonly found on nuclear plant including the internal surfaces of metal pipework and vessels and other equipment surfaces.

Our Markets

  • Nuclear decontamination of metalwork
  • Targeted metal surface etching

Discuss This Technology Further

Our Patented Nuclear Decommissioning Technologies.

A presentation on our novel electrochemical technologies delivering a step change in the decommissioning of metals and organic matter.

View Presentation

Our Goal

We offer a proprietary method for enhanced EASD which is fully compatible with existing downstream effluent treatment plant. It has been successfully trialled in both active and non-active applications. Our goal is widespread deployment of the technology that delivers significant reduction in decontamination costs.

Our Advantage

Rapid Removal Rate

EASD technology offers controlled electrical and chemical conditions to enable metals to be decontaminated for free release.

Our enhanced EASD method offers up to 30 times faster metal removal rates than standard electropickling methods.
Lower power consumption and process costs.

In addition to shorter process times, our enhanced EASD also consumes up to 75% less power than standard methods, resulting in lower operating costs.


EASD is applicable to many corrosion resistant metals and alloys.

Physical Configuration

All geometries including planar/curved surfaces, internal/external pipework, and tanks can be treated.